'This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
(--Hamlet, I,3--)', 2 => 'We are not human beings having a spiritual experience,
we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
(--Pierre Teilhard de Chardin--)', 3 => 'You have been given a body, parents,
location and time of birth.
These assignments are final.', 4 => 'Wherever you go,
there you are.', 5 => 'The world does not owe you a living.', 6 => 'The place is Here.
The time is Now.', 7 => 'Show up.
Pay attention.
Tell the truth.
Be respectful.', 8 => 'Lessons will be presented until learned.', 9 => 'There will be no punishment.
There will be choices and consequences.', 10 => 'There will always be a choice between alternatives.
There will not always be a choice as to what the alternatives are.

(You can choose a path, but not where it leads.
-Bert Hellinger-)', 11 => 'Life is lived forward and understood backward.
(-Søren Kierkegaard-)', 12 => 'Acceptance has nothing to do with indifference.
Acceptance Is Agreement.', 13 => 'The purpose of imperfection is
that we have something worthwhile to do.
Underneath doing, everything is perfect already.', 14 => "You may get to pick what you want,
but you won't get to fix the price.", 15 => 'In the end,
nobody gets away with anything.', 16 => 'Suffering is a price,
not a merchandise.', 17 => 'Shit happens.', 18 => 'In order to get what you like,
the liking takes more practice than the getting.', 19 => 'Unless you are trying to win,
there is no way you can lose.', 20 => 'Hope is hopeless.
(Hope and despair are twins.
So are trust and comfort.)', 21 => 'All attempts to avoid necessary suffering
will create unnecessary suffering.', 22 => "'Creating your own reality'
does not mean that you get to make the rules.
It does mean that you get to play the game.", 23 => "'Ego' is a means, not an end.", 24 => 'What you have not shared you do not own.', 25 => 'Before Enlightenment: Chopping wood.
After Enlightenment: Chopping wood.
(-Zen-)', 26 => '', 27 => 'One day at a time.', 28 => 'Honesty
         IT WORKS.', 29 => 'Atheism
is to generate an extremely limited idea of God
and then disagree with it.', 30 => 'Thy Will Be Done.', 31 => 'Hungry
Tired', 32 => "Needing It Is Not Enough.
You've got to want it.", 33 => "If I keep doing what I'm doing,
I'll keep getting what I'm getting.", 34 => "When I want very bad what I don't have,
I have very bad what I don't want.", 35 => 'Let Go
Let God.', 36 => 'Sometimes
things have to fall apart
before they can fall into place.', 37 => "Pride
is the ego's best shot at happiness.", 38 => "Life's Terms
are not negotiable.", 39 => 'Self-actualization
is to become what we can be,
not what we want to be.', 40 => 'Easy does it.', 41 => 'Humility or humiliation.
The choice is yours.', 42 => 'Live and Let Live.', 43 => 'Edging
Out.', 44 => 'Keep it simple.', 45 => 'Pride
Paralysis.', 46 => 'First Things First.', 47 => 'Carry the message, not the mess.', 48 => 'Fake it till you make it.', 49 => 'God will do for you what you cannot do for yourself,
and He will not do for you what you can do for yourself.', 50 => 'This, too, shall pass.', 51 => 'Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt.

(Fate guides the willing and drags the unwilling.)
--Seneca--', 52 => "Porta patet - magis cor.

(The door is open, even more the heart.)
--Cistercian saying--", 53 => 'God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And Wisdom to know the difference.
(--Reinhold Niebuhr--)' ); if ($_GET['id'] != "") {$num = (int)$_GET['id'];} else {$num = 1;} $last = count($shr); $prev= $num-1; $next= $num+1; if ($prev < 1) $prev=$last; if ($next > $last) $next=1; $item = $shr[$num]; ?> Psyon - serenity home reference
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